The LEARNS team is pleased to offer a new online course for tutoring, mentoring, out-of-school time, and other youth-development programs funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service. Designed for both new and veteran program staff, "Youth Impact: Starting and Strengthening Quality Programs" will help you find, prepare, and keep the right members and volunteers to work with youth. Using interactive elements, audio-visuals, and downloadable documents, the course highlights and puts into your hands best practices used by effective youth-serving programs. It also provides links to additional resources for support and training to help your program succeed. To access the course, go to the Online Learning Center at the Resource Center at my.nationalservice.org. After you create a free Online Learning Center account (if you don't already have one), yo u can browse for and launch the Youth Impact course.Over three dozen other online courses are available from the Resource Center at: http://www.nationalserviceresources.org/online-courses
Courses in the following categories are currently available - free of charge:
<>Community Engagement and Strengthening
<>Disaster Preparedness
<>Educational Success and Mentoring
<>Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
<>Financial Management
<>Participant Recruitment and Development
<>Performance Measurement
<>Resource and Fund Development
<>Volunteer Leveraging
<>Disaster Preparedness
<>Educational Success and Mentoring
<>Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
<>Financial Management
<>Participant Recruitment and Development
<>Performance Measurement
<>Resource and Fund Development
<>Volunteer Leveraging