It had everything that a kid, especially a boy of my son's age, looks for in a movie - action, silliness, snakes, crocs, gross science, transformers, silliness, aliens, a nearly all boy cast, dumb parents, silliness, magic, space ships, giant man-eating boogers, and, oh, lots of silliness. Needless to say, my son enjoyed every silly minute of this movie and is already asking me when it will come out on DVD. I could have waited for the DVD since giant man-eating boogers are not really my thing.
The hero of this movie is a boy with braces who has to go through an eloborate process to keep his teeth clean. So, on the way out of the theatre, all the kids there given lots of free teeth flosers. Now that was a first as a giveaway....
Movie Rating
A+ for boys and men who love silly, gross stuff
C for girls and women who are sane