B&Bs and Inns are providing FREE rooms on Monday, November 10, 2014 and Tuesday, November 11, 2014 in observance of Veterans Day to honor servicemen and women currently serving or who have previously served their country.
The program was started in 2009 by the West Virginia B&B Association (formerly called MABB) and over the years has expanded to include over 40 states and provinces and more than 400 Inns.
According to the website "Inns and B&Bs throughout the U.S. and Canada will open their doors to thank veterans for their service on Monday, November 10th and Tuesday, November 11th, 2014. New inns and B&Bs will be added daily. PAII member inns may all have vets specials which will be listed throughout the year."
Reservations need to be made directly with the participating Inns and B&Bs.
Click here for a full list of participating B&B's in the FREE Veterans Day Promotion
Click here for a list of B&B's in Michigan that are participating
Click here for a list of B&B's in Ohio that are participating

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