Detroit Pistons Fans, bring the family out to Dunham's Sports Saturday, April 12, 2014 at the Chesterfield Township store location to meet Detroit Pistons center Andree Drummond. Come say hello to Andree and get a FREE autograph from 5-6pm.
Enter to WIN FREE Pistons Tickets...
And until April 6th, you can CLICK HERE TO ENTER TO WIN A $720 PRIZE PACK containing four 100-Level tickets to a 2013-2014 Pistons game at the Palace, autographed merchandise, and an opportunity to be first in line to meet Andre Drummond. Approximate retail value is $520 for the tickets and $200 for the merchandise.
Two second place winners will be selected to receive autographed merchandise and be next in line to meet Andree Drummond. Approximate retail value is $100 for the merchandise. Limit one prize per person.
Me with the 2004 Pistons Championship Trophy... |
51328 Gratiot
Chesterfield Township, MI 48051
Note: Always call the location ahead of time to ensure the event has not been cancelled at the last minute.

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