Saturday, January 30, 2010

REVIEW: General Mills Fruity Cheerios and Oat Cluster Cheerios Crunch Cereals

At the end of 2009, General Mills announced a commitment to further reduce sugar in cereals advertised to kids under 12 to single digit grams of sugar per serving. The company has already been reducing sugar in cereals while increasing key nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D, and providing whole grain.

Did you know that ready-to-eat cereal eaters consume less fat, less cholesterol and more fiber than non-cereal eaters? Cereals also deliver important vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients, making cereal a top source of key nutrients in children´s diets.

So when I was sent coupons to try General Mills cereals for free, I jumped at the chance. My family is always on the go and morning routines don't leave alot of time for breakfast choices. Eating cereal is quick and provides a good way to start out the day with a good healthy meal.

When I went to the store, I gave my son the opportunity to pick his choice of General Mills cereals. He choose Fruity Cheerios and I choose Oat Clusters Cheerios Crunch. We both loved the taste of the cereals (always important), but I loved the nutritional factors also. Both cereals have 2 grams of fiber in each serving. And fiber is something that I look to include in each meal choice during the day. My son loved his choice so much that he wanted to also eat it for dinner! So I think we have a two thumbs up from us both on General Mills cereals.

For more information about kids and cereals, please visit Cereal Health and Wellness. Right now if you visit here you will find a $1 off coupon for one of four General Mills cereals.

Disclosure: My free cereal coupons were provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.


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