I love listening to music. It amazes me how much better my mood is the days that I listen to a little music while working. If you have been reading my blog over the years, then you know that I feature lots of Amazon MP3 credits. And because I also take advantage of those Amazon deals, my smartphone is filled to the brim with my favorite music.
I love music of all kinds. From Vintage Motown R&B, to Hip Hop, to Jazz, to Rock and even Country (I am a Johnny Cash fan). I love to put my smartphone music player on shuffle and listen to a little of everything during my daily 1.5 mile walk. The variety of songs helps the time go by in no time flat.
So when I was looking for new music to add to my play list, I jumped at the opportunity to review a new CD by a LA turned U.K. based band called Vintage Trouble. It only took listening to one song for me to hear the undertones of many legendary music masters like Otis Redding, James Brown, Mick Jagger and B.B. King. But Vintage Trouble are no copy cats. They take Rock, Soul, R&B and Blues and make it a sound all their own.
Since I had never heard of Vintage Trouble until I downloaded their album on Amazon.com, I did a little digging to find out more about the band. The quartet is made up of lead vocalist Ty Taylor, guitarist Nalle Colt, bassist Rick Barrio Dill and drummer Richard Danielson. They are originally from Los Angeles but relocated to the U.K. where they spent 2012 touring after releasing their first album - The Bomb Shelter Sessions.
The Bomb Shelter Sessions contains 10 songs plus 3 bonus tracks that have a vintage quality to the sound. I felt like I was being taken back to the 1960's sitting in the back of a small smoky, neighborhood club listening to a live band rock out to their adoring fans. The music is earthy and soulful and Ty Taylor's raw, hoarse vocals are distinctive and memorable.
I have many favorites on this album. "Gracefully" is a beautiful, haunting ballet that makes you want to grab your love and slow dance close as you can get. The rock guitar opening to "Jezzebella" had me dancing and clapping to the driving beat. "Run Outta You" is another slow grind about love rekindled from the ashes of mistrust that Taylor delivers with a voice laced with pain while the background instruments wail. And 'Total Strangers" is a live bonus track that is rocking good fun.
See Vintage Trouble on The Tonight Show this Tuesday night....
I loved "Vintage Trouble: The Bomb Shelter Sessions" and now I cannot wait to see them perform live on Jay Leno and The Tonight Show on Tuesday, January 15th at 11:35pm EST. Make sure to check them out.
And check out the Vintage Trouble Facebook Page and Vintage Trouble on Twitter to learn more about the band.

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ #CBias #SocialFabric - All opinions are my own.
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