The movies Warm Bodies and Identify Thief come out on DVD this Tuesday, May 7, 2013. Before you buy, read the movie review on
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Warm Bodies - REVIEW
Warm Bodies -
DVD release date: 06/04/2013
Theatrical release: 02/01/2013
Language: English
Genre: Horror/Romance
MPAA rating: PG-13
Director: Jonathan Levine
Actors: Analeigh Tipton, Teresa Palmer, John Malkovich
Review: I had been looking forward to Warm Bodies for a while now because it sounded wholly unique: a zombie/human love story, where eventually love causes the zombie to become human again. Luckily, Warm Bodies did not disappoint, though it was definitely like a typical "BRAINS! BRAINSSS!" zombie movie in some ways as well. CONTINUE READING
Identity Thief - REVIEW
Identity Thief -
DVD release date: 06/04/2013
Theatrical release: 02/08/2013
Language: English
Genre: Comedy/Crime
MPAA rating: R
Director: Seth Gordon
Actors: Melissa McCarthy, Jason Bateman, John Cho
Review: When Identity Thief first starts rolling, it's almost perfect, and I was thinking that this was going to be a 4 star movie. However, it can't decide what type of film it wants to be - a road trip, a "heist" film, a warm and fuzzy family film - and that's ultimately what drags it down. It's still a fun ride, but getting there often feels long and tedious. CONTINUE READING

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