I had not heard of this film prior to seeing the trailer. There are no big stars in this film and there are no special effects. It is simply a film about a typical man that is being pursued by a hot girl and how his uneventful life is changed forever by the situation.
When I saw the trailer, I just thought the whole basis of the movie was so cute. Kirk Kettner is a typical man who works as a TSA officer at the airport with his strange male childhood friends. He wanted to go to college, but didn't because his father decided to use his college fund to buy a swimming pool. He wants to be a pilot, but lacks the self assurance to take flying lessons. He wants his old girlfriend back because he feels her mean behind is better than nothing, but she does not want him back because she has a new boyfriend who is dumb as a nail but owns a Pizza Hut Express. Kirk drives a rusty old car and his family likes his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend more than they like him.
Enter Molly, the hot perfect ten girl who is a successful party planner (with a law degree) who speaks French, hangs out with the "in" crowd and has the hook-up on tickets to everything in town. Her perfect boyfriend has cheated on her and now she just wants a guy with whom she can be herself. Through a chance meeting at the airport, Molly finds that Kirk is funny, kind, brave, and chivalrous and she is attracted to him. And then all the fun begins with their friends telling them it can never work because a "5" and a "10" just don't hook up in this world.
The movie is quirky. It reminded me a lot of "There's Something About Mary" with laugh out loud silly characters, outrageous family moments to which most people can relate and extreme dirty (disgusting) male humor wrapped around a common truth that no one else can really love you until you love yourself. Amen.
"She's Out of My League" opens in theaters Friday, March 12th...
"She's Out of My League" opens in theaters Friday, March 12th...

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