Me with members of my Ford mentoring circle checking out the 2010 Ford Fiesta |
I love entering contests because I love FREE. So when Ford gave employees the chance to win the all new 2011 Ford Fiesta for 5 days in a social media contest, my entry was submitted in five minutes flat. Two 2011 Ford Fiestas are making a social media tour around the Michigan area and I had to submit a plan on how I would show off the Ford Fiesta. I was one of just 25 employees who were chosen to be part of this social media tour. The car came with its own Verizon Droid Smartphone for four square check-in on Twitter and a Flip video camera for capturing those special event moments so let me show you the places where my Ford Fiesta made an appearance...
Ford Employees Get to Ride and Drive
After I picked up my 2011 Ford Fiesta on Wednesday, I gave Ford employees a chance to check out the vehicle on Wednesday and Thursday. Some of the feedback was that the car was surprisingly roomy for its size and had some wonderful features for a vehicle that only costs $13,000. The one negative comment on the car was the lack of a right-side driver armrest.
Ford employee Cindy Reevezo |
Ford employee Jeff Walters |
Ford employee Judy Asher |
The Ford Fiesta hangs with the Freeze4Friendship Flash Mob
Wednesday afternoon, I took the Ford Fiesta to be part of the Friendship Circle Freeze4Friendship Flash Mob. The Friendship Circle is holding their Walk4Friendship Fundraiser on September 5th and this Freeze4Friendship was staged to help bring public awareness to the walk. If you read my post on the Flash Mob, then you know that the Ford Fiesta was getting all kind of appreciate looks from the minute I drove up to the event. As I entered the Somerset Mall parking structure, people were pointing at the vehicle and stopping to ask me questions. When I drove to the roof deck, I received many thumbs up and second looks.
The Flash Mob participants were asked to check-in using Four Square on Twitter and I made sure to check-in the Ford Fiesta (the car came with it's own Four Square account) as part of the Freeze4Friendship Flash Mob so we could unlock the Swarm Badge. After I announced on Twitter that the car was part of the Flash Mob, I got a great tweet from Twitter follower Dave Moss about how much he and his wife loved their Ford Fiesta.
I invited some of the Freeze4Friendship volunteers to come over and check-out the vehicle. Emily Hersch of West Bloomfield and her aunt Marianne Pesick said the car was high on the cuteness scale. They were impressed with the exterior body styling and the spacious trunk.
Emily Hersch and her Aunt Marianne Pesick check out the car |
The 2011 Ford Fiesta goes to a Movie Premier
Wednesday night, I went to MJR 20 in Sterling Heights for an advance screening of the movie "Lottery Ticket" and I ran into my twitter pal Peter Chandler (aka @SirTinMan). Peter had noticed the cool looking Ford Fiesta when I pulled into the parking lot and he and his crew wanted to check out the vehicle. The car received great feedback on it's roomy trunk and interior space.
Peter Chandler checking out the Ford Fiesta |
Parents and Teachers L-O-V-E the 2011 Ford Fiesta
On Friday, I took the Fiesta for a ride and drive at the best private school in Detroit, Starting Point Montessori. All the parents and teachers took turns driving the Fiesta around the neighborhood. They were very impressed by the smooth ride, interior roominess, and the size of the trunk. Ms. Crystal, the science teacher, figured out three whole bodies could fit in the trunk - science teachers think in interesting ways :)
Karen Friday, owner of Starting Point Montessori |
Sadly, my time with the 2011 Ford Fiesta ends on Monday morning, but I love that I was able to share the car with some of my favorite people. If you want more info on the Ford Fiesta, go to

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