This is my sixth post in the series for the Problogger 31 Day Challenge with the SITS Girls Community. This challenge gives bloggers 31 activities to do that will improve their blogs based on the e-book by Darren Rowse.
Day one's challenge was to write an Elevator Pitch for my blog.
The challenges for day two through day four were to Write a List Post, Promote a blog post, and Analyze a top blog in my field.
The challenges for day five through day seven were to Email a blog reader, read the Problogger 27 must read tips and tutorials for bloggers, and Write a Link Post.
The challenges for day eight through day ten were to Link to old blog posts, Join a Forum and Start Participating, Set up Monitor Alerts for your Blog's Niche.
The challenges for day eleven through day thirteen were to come up with 10 new post ideas, create an editorial calendar, and take a trip to the mall.
Day fourteen's challenge was to Update key pages on your blog. When I started adding reviews and contests to my blog, I found out that I had a problem with my ABOUT PAGE. Companies would ask me "What do you really look like?" I realized that I needed to redo my ABOUT PAGE and add a photo of me and make my contact info easier to find. I also updated my PR OK page and linked it to my ABOUT PAGE. Now when someone comes to my site and wants to know more about me or decide to work with me, all the information is easy for them to find.
I also updated the link buttons under my logo to point to the important information of the moment. Every month, I clean out my sidebar and add a new events page where I put links to posts that are happening during that month. My goal is the make the information on my site really easy for people to find. So think about how you can update your main and important website pages so information is easier to find.
I also updated the link buttons under my logo to point to the important information of the moment. Every month, I clean out my sidebar and add a new events page where I put links to posts that are happening during that month. My goal is the make the information on my site really easy for people to find. So think about how you can update your main and important website pages so information is easier to find.
Day fifteen's challenge was to Find a blog buddy. In his book, Darren Rowse talks about the power of people working together and how more can get done through team work. Blogging takes a lot of work and commitment and it can be draining if you do everything by yourself. So teaming up with other bloggers for projects can spread the work to more people, give you someone to bounce ideas off, and help you all get more traffic. I work with two great bloggers on projects and I don't know what I would do if I had to do all the work by myself. I have also been a guest blogger on other sites and had people guest blog on my site. When you find blogger buddies that you can really trust, you have found a gold mine.
Today is day sixteen and the challenge is to Solve a problem for a reader. In March, I received an email from a reader asking me for advice on finding a good school for her son. It took me a long time to find a great school for my son, so I thought my information on the subject would make a great blog post that would help other readers with the same issue. So I wrote 7 Steps to Finding the Right School for Your Child which not only helped the reader who asked me the question find a great school for her son, but was read all around the country by other parents.
So that's it for this blog post. Come back on Friday to check out the following challenges:
Follow the Twitter hashtag #31DBBB if you want to see how the 500+ woman bloggers are doing that are part of this challenge.

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Day 17 - First Time Reader Audit
Day 18 - Create a Sneeze Page for Your Blog
Day 19 - Write an Opinion Post
Follow the Twitter hashtag #31DBBB if you want to see how the 500+ woman bloggers are doing that are part of this challenge.

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