National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Detroit Section (NCJW/GDS) volunteers will do their part to keep cruisers along Woodward Avenue cool and hydrated this Saturday, August 20, 2011.
Event-watchers can stop by 32801 Woodward Avenue (at Samoset) in Royal Oak beginning at 10 am. Volunteers will hand out FREE bottles of water and coupons to their nonprofit resale shops. Council members will also be available to provide information about the work and services offered by NCJW/GDS.
The women and men of NCJW/GDS sought the donations of bottled water from local retailers. Donors included Cotsco, Target, Holiday Market, Dollar Village and Westborn Market.
Water will be distributed until it is gone. All are welcome.
Sales from the Council Resale support more than 25 projects of NCJW/GDS, including Dress for Success, Wrapped in Love, Project Friendship, Kosher Meals on Wheels, All Kids Playground, Safe Place, Strategies to Prevent Domestic Abuse, literacy outreach and Bookstock. For more information on the event and the National Council of Jewish Women – Greater Detroit Section, call (248) 355-3300, ext. 0, or visit

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