Technology Products that make life easier for moms
By Lori Cunningham
I wish I had the time to tell you about all of the fantastic things I saw at CES. There are a lot of exciting tech products out there to make life easier. It is hard to narrow it down to my top 5 favorites products for moms from the show, as there are too many to choose from, but here are my top 5.
I wish I had the time to tell you about all of the fantastic things I saw at CES. There are a lot of exciting tech products out there to make life easier. It is hard to narrow it down to my top 5 favorites products for moms from the show, as there are too many to choose from, but here are my top 5.
#1 Valet Plus
The Valet Plus is the perfect home wireless router for families. It is probably the easiest wireless network system to set up and use, making it perfect for moms. Using a USB thumb drive, you simply insert it into each computer or wireless device you want to add to your home network. Just follow the steps from there and you’ll be up and running in no time. You do not need any technical knowledge to set up your wireless network. The software does the work for you. You can add all of your computers (PC or Mac), laptops, netbooks, tablets, smartphones, gaming systems (X-box, PlayStation, Wii, etc.) and any other connected devices easily. Valet Plus has fantastic parental controls too. Get this…with your devices and gaming system connected, you can block off times so a device will be rendered unusable. For example, you can lock down your Wii from 3pm until 7am to ensure your little Johnny isn’t playing games when he shouldn’t on a school night! You can do this for each device on your network. Johnny is on restriction? Lock down the devices (Wii, tablet, PC, smartphone) he uses during the restriction timeframe. If all you want to do is lock down particular websites, the Valet Plus helps you to do that as well. Another great feature is guest access. When guests come over and want to connect to your WiFi network, you can provide them a guest passcode which allows them access to the Internet only…not all of your family’s private files. I love this feature. I have had guests ask me on several occasions for access to our wireless network. This option will allow me to help them without jeopardizing our important family files. The Valet Plus retails for $129.99 regularly, but is on sale at the Cisco website for $109.99. If you have a smaller home, you may be interested in the Valet with less reach, on sale at Cisco now for $89.99.
#2 Eye-Fi Wireless Card for Your Camera
w, this product is a cool one for us moms! The Eye-Fi Geo X2 4GB or Explore X2 8GB WiFi products are SD storage cards to use in your camera. Most likely you are using a SD storage card now. When you replace your current SD storage card with the Eye-Fi wireless card, you no longer need to connect your camera to your computer via a cable or by inserting your current SD card into your computer to download pictures. If your computer is connected to your wireless network, the picture download process begins immediately after you bring your camera home and it detects your WiFi network. Pictures are automatically downloaded to your designated folder on your computer. You can even designate copies of them to go directly to your online picture account at Flickr, Picasso, Facebook, etc. Sharing your photos has never been easier. The Ey-Fi Geo X2 and Explore X2 also add geo tags to your photos so you will be able to identify where you were when the picture was taken. Super cool! While at CES, Eye-Fi announced Direct Mode, a new free upgradeable feature for all of its X2 card users…now when you take a picture using a X2 cards, the picture is immediately copied to your smartphone so you can instantly share with friends online without needing to be near a wireless hotspot. This way you can get a better resolution photo and send it via your phone. Slick. The Eye-Fi Geo X2 4GB retails for $69.99 and the Explore X2 8GB retails for $99.99.

#3 Mavia – Know Your Car – Where it is, Where it’s been, What Need’s fixing!

#4 Gadget Trak – Keep Track of Your Laptops and Smartphones
As a wife and mom of two children,
Lori Cunningham is always looking to find new ways technology can help her with her over scheduled life. She started the to share her passion for technology with other moms who love technology or may be intimidated by it.
Hailed as a “technology guru” by EveryDay Parenting radio, Lori consults with businesses to ensure moms understand how to gain the maximum benefit from their products.