As I sat watching the last Oprah Winfrey show this year, I knew I would truly miss her. I love her sass, her style and the one thing that will go down in history - her annual "Favorite Things" show. Once a year, we all got to be flies on the wall as people jumped up and down, cried and did the happy dance as they were given item after item of wonderful FREE things. All the lucky people in the "Favorite Things" show audience had no clue when they walked into that studio that they were about to be showered in FREE.
I love that on my blog, I get to be a little like Oprah. With all the freebies, deals, and discounts on my blog, I get to help people do the happy dance when they find that perfect FREE item and when I announce my giveaway winners, I hope my prizes inspire a few tears of joy.
BlogHer is coming up in August and the Naturalizer company is looking for one blogger to be a Santa to thirty women at the conference by giving out FREE shoes. Yes, you heard that right. Someone at BlogHer will get to be like Oprah and randomly pick women to get FREE pairs of Naturalizer shoes.
Can't you see it now in your mind's eye? There I am wearing dark denim straight-leg jeans with a purple (my favorite color) button down 3/4 length sleeve business casual shirt. My feet are perfectly clad in my Naturalizer velvet ballet flats ready to do it up - Oprah Style.
Thirty unsuspecting women are minding their own business, walking with their gal pals to sessions. Some came to impress with shoes too high and they are trying to hide the pained expressions on their faces as they take each brutal step, wondering if people will think less of them if they just take off their shoes and walk around bare foot. Some just don't have time to shop in their hectic, over scheduled lives. And others have not updated their footwear in years because their kids' needs come first.
But here I come, the Naturalizer Santa, tapping them on the shoulder, letting them know that they are about to get a "shoe intervention" courtesy of Naturalizer. I can see their smiles of wonder. I can hear them saying everything from "Are You Serious?" to "Come Again? " to "Girl, I was Hoping You Would Pick Me!"
I hear me telling these lucky women that they don't have to give up style for comfort nor do they have to spend an arm and a leg cause with Naturalizer they can have the best of all worlds. I also hear the other conference attendees saying "But I Need a Shoe Intervention Too!" and me saying "Honey, let me give you a nice big discount coupon that will make your day".
So this blog post is my entry into the Naturalizer "Shoe to the Rescue" contest. Wish me luck - and lots of FREE shoes ;)
Get $10 off your next purchase of $10 or more for LIKING the Naturalizer Facebook Page.

Disclosure: This Naturalizer "Shoe to the Rescue" contest opportunity was presented to me by Naturalizer and the Brown Shoe Company, through MyBlogSpark, and this post serves as my entry to win a sponsorship for my attendance at the 2011 BlogHer Conference.
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