I was over on the deals section of SheSpeaks.com and found a great freebie that will start on Sunday 9/4. Walgreens will have the 13.5 oz Simply Orange and Simply Lemonade on sale for 99 cents. To get one of each FREE, use the $1 off coupons for Simply Orange and Simply Lemonade over on Coupons.com.
UPDATE 9/4 : I am no longer certain that the information on SheSpeaks.com was accurate. I just scanned through the new Walgreens ad and I cannot find where this juice is 99 cents. It appears that the juice was on sale last week and NOT starting on 9/4 as was stated: http://www.pennypinchinmom.com/2011/09/new-simply-orange-coupon-free-at-walgreens/ Sorry about the confusion. Since I am not a couponer, I reply on information that I stumble across on other sites. I will make sure that I check it out more thoroughly next time before I post coupon information in the future.

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