Getting your kids to read has never been this easy — sign up your 8 - 14 year old for the BenBella Books Young Reviewers Circle, and they’ll receive:
• A special pre-release edition of the magical new children’s book, The Sword of Darrow (limited to the first 1000 who sign up)
• An official BenBella Books Young Reviewers Circle membership certificate
• A signed copy of The Sword of Darrow when it’s officially released next year
• Your child’s name printed inside the book, recognizing them as a member of the BenBella Books Young Reviewers Circle
Why is BenBella Books inviting your child to join their Young Reviewers Circle? They want your young reader to share their thoughts about The Sword of Darrow and what they’d like to see in the sequel to make it even better than the first. We’re pretty sure it’s the first time ever that a national publisher has asked kids to help review and develop their books, so don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity.
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