On August 19th, the movie Conan the Barbarian in 3D will open in theaters nationwide. To celebrate, a Barbarian Army is currently forming on Facebook where the warriors can win prizes, movie swag and a trip for 2 to Comic-Con 2011 in San Diego.
When the army on Facebook reaches 50,000 fans, prizes of Classic DVD prize packs will be awarded. When the army reaches 100,000 fans, Conan Ultimate Fan Swag Packs will be awarded and when 150,000 fans like the Facebook page, one person will win the trip for 2 to Comic-Con July 21st - 24th in San Diego.
The new Conan is the uber fine and sexy Jason Momoa. I am sure there will be lots of ladies in the audience to see this movie - I will be one of them.
Click here if the movie trailer is not shown

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