Can a cheap mother find a way to take her 10 year old son on a Disney Cruise without putting a hole in her budget? The journey continues...
Back in November of last year, I wrote the first post in this series about going on a Disney Cruise on the cheap. In my first post, I interviewed travel agent Allison Jones from Destinations in Florida Travel and she gave some great insight into the best time of year to go on a cheaper cruise and why she feels it is good to use an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner to book a Disney Cruise. That was a post full of great Disney travel information.
I promised all of you that I would research more discount travel options for a Disney Cruise. But life got in the way and also I ended up taking my son to Disney World as part of the Disney Social Media Moms blogging conference at Disney World - so the kid is not suffering because he has not gone on a Disney cruise yet.
While at the blogging conference at Disney, I found that another blogger had used Expedia.com to save a lot of money on a pre-conference hotel room at the Disney Pop Century value resort. So, I got to wondering if Disney Cruises were also on Expedia.com, and sure enough they are.
Now Allison's words about using an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner to get a good deal are still running around in my mind, but I think that checking out the competition and comparing prices is always a good thing to do.
So here is the link to the Disney Cruise options on Expedia.com. As of today (6/11/2010), there are tons of options to chose from. If anyone out there has used Expedia.com to book a Disney Cruise, leave a comment and let us all know how it went. But I will keep searching for more ways to save on a Disney Cruise and I'll let you know what I find out in my next post in this series.
In the meantime, check out this video of the newest ship coming to the Disney Cruise Line - The Disney Dream. This video just makes me want to get on a Disney Cruise more than before...

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