I have been getting my hair styled professionally for years. I love the pampering and shampooing, but in the end, it's the shine and curl that counts. Lately, I have noticed that stylists have gone from using standard curling irons to flat irons. I just had my hair styled a couple of weeks ago, and I did not see a curling iron anywhere in the shop. Everyone was using a flat iron. I did notice that curling with a flat iron took my stylist a little longer than average, but the end result was wonderful. My curls were great and they lasted for days.
Infiniti by Conair has just come out with a styling iron called the You Style that can be used to get that flat iron curled or straight look at home. This two-in-one styling iron has tourmaline ceramic-coated plates that will get very hot within a few seconds. The temperature can be varied between the low, medium and high heat settings.
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The Infiniti by Conair You Style comes with an instructional video that is a must view. I had not looked at the video when I first tried using the product and I got very frustrated. I could straighten my hair, but the curls looked bad. After I watched the video I realized that curling hair with a flat iron takes some practice. The process is very different from what I was used to doing and it took me more than a few tries (and some patience) to get it right - I will never hurry my stylist again :). But once you get the technique down , the curls are great.
The Infiniti by Conair You Style retails for around $39.99 and can be found at major retailers like Target.
One FREE IS MY LIFE follower will win their own Infiniti by Conair You Style. HOLLA to the FREE!
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-One entry per person please.
- The contest ends on January 11, 2011 at Noon EST.
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Disclosure: I was given a complimentary Infiniti by Conair You Style for the purpose of writing this review and expressing my unbias opinion.
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