Tablets, Tablets everywhere...
It was reported that 80 manufactures introduced tablets at the 2011 CES. Manufactures want a part of the Apple iPad market and I as a consumer want to know how some of these new tablets compare.
My new best friend...
Verizon Wireless loaned me a Samsung Galaxy Tablet to take to CES and I was constantly using it during my entire trip. With its 7 inch screen, the Android OS Galaxy Tab is the perfect size to keep in my purse. It only weighs 13.5 ounces. For my 4 hour plane ride from Detroit to Las Vegas, I loaded the Galaxy Tab with movies and Kindle books so that I would have lots to do on the plane. I also popped the SD card from my smartphone into the Galaxy Tab so that I could use it to listen to music.
Now my eyesight is not what it used to be so viewing movies and books on the Galaxy Tablet instead of my smartphone was a real pleasure. Like the Apple iPad, the Galaxy Tab needs a stand to make it a good movie viewer. Manufacturers have already started producing fashionable cases for the Galaxy Tab (lots were at CES like this one from Case-Mate) and some of the cases have built-in stands.
The Galaxy Tab's beautiful, clear screen is perfect for reading ebooks. But like the Apple iPad, you should not attempt to hold the Galaxy Tab like a book because it weighs too much to hold it for long periods of time. Your back and neck will not thank you for it if you do. It should be laid flat for reading or a stand should be used.
The Galaxy Tab fit perfectly in my purse and I was constantly pulling it out to check email, Twitter and Facebook. I also used it to look up lots of information about manufacturers and products at CES. It's 7" size is its strength over the Apple iPad. It is very easy to carry around. When I walked through the press room at CES, I noticed that some of the reporters were also using Galaxy Tabs.
Battery Life is so so
I was a little disappointed at the Samsung Galaxy Tab battery life. After surfing the web in the airport, watching a movie on the plane going to Vegas and reading a Kindle book, the battery was near its end. I was hoping that the Galaxy Tab would have made it through the entire day without needing a charge. On other days where I did not watch a movie, the battery was only half used at the end of the day.
3G Hot Spot is a real winner
One of the major strengths of the Samsung Galaxy Tab is that it can be used as a 3G Hot Spot. The hotel were I was staying did not have free wifi - and I did not care because I had the Galaxy Tab. The Galaxy Tab can be used to provide wifi for up to 5 devices so I was able to work on my laptop without issue.
My silly son using the camera on the Samsung Galaxy Tablet by Verizon Wireless |
The Battle of the Tablets...
For those who want to know if the Galaxy Tab is the "Apple iPad Killer", I would have to say the two are not totally comparable. The Apple iPad has positioned itself to be a entertainment center with the extensive amount of apps that have been developed just for it. After many years on the market, the Apple iPad will not be dethroned as the king of the tablet. But the Samsung Galaxy has features that set it apart from the iPad and make it a wonderful tablet for everyday use. It is really easy to carry it around and use it for email and web surfing.
What the Samsung Galaxy Tablet needs is its own exclusive set of Android applications developed especially to take advantage of its super sharp 7" screen and functions. The apps that are available currently in the Android market place were not developed specifically for the Galaxy Tab. Some apps like the "Twitter for Android" are not designed to take advantage of the bigger Galaxy Tab screen. It will be interesting to see over the next year what kind of applications will be developed for the Galaxy Tab because those apps will help determine the future of the Samsung Galaxy Tablet in the "Battle of the Tablets".
The Samsung Galaxy Tablet retails for $500 through Verizon Wireless with month to month service. Click here for more information on the Samsung Galaxy Tablet on the Verizon Wireless website.
As I pack up the Samsung Galaxy Tablet to return it to Verizon, I have to say that I will miss it. Thank you to Verizon Wireless for the very enjoyable experience. The Samsung Galaxy Tablet helped to make my first CES a real pleasure.

Disclosure: I has loaned the Samsung Galaxy Tablet by Verizon Wireless for the purpose of writing this review and stating my unbias opinion. I was not compensated for this post. I also won a Case-Mate Gelli Samsung Galaxy Tab case at CES.
From print to websites to tablets, magazines have come a long way in just the last decade. Popular Science Magazine wants to know where you think they're headed next. Even more advanced tablets? Flexible screen devices? Virtual reality experiences?
Tell them how you hope to be reading Popular Science 20 years from now. Enter Here and then ask your friends to "like" it. Each Thursday from now till February 3, they will pick a winner based 50% on number of "likes" and 50% on judging by PopSci's editors. Winners will get a brand new Samsung Galaxy Tab, preloaded with the Popular Science "Top Tech" app.
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